
Lumen Christi

Image by Middle-Fork (Click on image for larger version)

Nothing on my own calendar of calamities can override the approach, the arrival, the afterglow of Easter. Nothing in my life can diminish the light of the Risen Christ. And yet I might find myself lost in the deep folds of a forest where the light of Easter is distant: out there, over there, up there, shining on others but not on me... There can be times when seeing the light in the distance might be more painful than seeing no light at all: why is it shining there, on others - but not here, on me?

The image above might be helpful for those who find themselves in the dark, in the light of these Paschal days...

The light is shining over and through these woods even where the long shadows leave dark traces on the ground. See how the light moves and plays in and among the shadows... See how the beams of light stretch forth from source and power unseen, searching out those lost in the dark... See how the light has greened the forest's carpet even in the dark places... See how the trees block the light and at the same time shield us from what might be too bright for a first glance... Even that which blocks the light allows us to see the path the light spreads before us: a path that leads from the darkness behind us to the light making its way through shadows we fear... And see how, almost within arm's reach, the light pierces through the leaves with a warmth to take the chill of night away...

Nothing on my own calendar of calamities can override the approach, the arrival, the afterglow of Easter... Nothing in my life can diminish the light of the Risen Christ... For Christ is the Light no darkness can extinguish...



  1. Honestly, this is such brilliant and insightful writing. Your pastoral sense leaps off the page. I just read the writing of this week and feel uplifted and hopeful. It must take tremendous discipline for you dedicate so much time to this holy work and I thank you.

  2. Nancy: you're most welcome - and thank you for your kind words and appreciation.

  3. You are brilliant,Concordpastor. I think you know that. Your writings should be in a book, not only a blog.

    You are deep, thoughtful, spiritual, thought provoking, kind, and just a beautiful person. I'm sure you have many out here who love you very much.

    Be thankful,.... there are many out here who don't have that. Many who are searching...

    God loves you, too, for all you do.

  4. BEAUTIFUL! Thank you!

  5. Many kinds words for which I'm grateful but as you sometimes hear athletes say, "All the glory to God!"

    I rejoice in and thank God for the gifts I've received and am able to use in my ministry (real time and cyber!).


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and PRAY before you think!