
Word for the Week of April 13

Again, I've chosen just some phrases for the Word of the Week, this time from John's account of Jesus as the Good Shepherd.

Two things stand out here.

First, the importance of the sheep recognizing the shepherd's voice and - nearly as important - the value of recognizing the voices of strangers, robbers and thieves - those who would prey upon the Lord's flock.

Second, Jesus identifies himself as the shepherd and as the gate for the sheepfold, an image of which you see above. The shepherd would lie down at night and use his own body both to keep the sheep in the safety of the fold and to offer himself as protection against wolves who might try to invade...

Indeed, the shepherd lays down his life for his sheep.
Indeed, our Shepherd laid down his life for us, his sheep, that we might have life and have it more abundantly.

Such is the Shepherd who cares for me... who care for you...


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