
22 hours and counting!

A few days ago I posted on "generations of Catholics" and put up the poll on the sidebar.

I began the poll because I'm interested in knowing the generational background of my readers. Well, 57 folks have responded to the poll. (FYI: this blog gets and average of about 185 hits a day.)

The poll is innocuous and anonymous - I have no way of knowing who responds to it. So, if you have about 30 extra seconds when you stop by here, punch a box on the poll - please! Everyone has only one birthday so you don't need to hit more than one box. :-)

As of this posting, the poll is up for another 22 hours (length of polling time is determined by Blogger, not me).



  1. Do you have a way of knowing if someone who comments is from Concord?

  2. Looks like you'll have to post on MySpace, Facebook or YouTube to get the Millenial generation on board!


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and PRAY before you think!