
And the poll is . . . CLOSED!

The poll on "generations of Catholics" is closed and here are the results.

(Remember that these categories are chronological, not ideological!)

A total of 72 readers responded to the poll.

Born before 1941
"Pre-Vatican II Generation"
10 responses = 13 %

Born 1941-1960
"Vatican II Generation"
35 responses = 48%

Born 1961-1983
"Post-Vatican II Generation"
26 response = 36%

Born since 1983
"Millennial Generation"
1 response = 1%

(Because the poll "rounds off" the percentages, they do not add up to 100%.)



  1. Where are Millennial Generation people ? We know that they are internet people.

  2. But are they practicing their faith?


Please THINK before you write
and PRAY before you think!