
As Lent ends...

Word for the Season:
one more time!

Even now, says the LORD,
return to me with your whole heart...
Joel 2:12

We are only hours away from entering the Triduum, that one Paschal feast so rich in ritual, so poignant in prayer, so musically moving that it takes us three days to celebrate it. These are the three most important days, the three most important liturgies on our calendar:
I hope and pray that you will participate in your parish Triduum as fully as you are able.

As Lent ends I look back and realize that of all my good intentions on Ash Wednesday, the only one I was absolutely faithful to was offering this daily prayer corner here on my blog. I thank you, then, for the accountability that kept me faithful to this promise.

Although the gospel on Ash Wednesday counsels us to keep our prayer, fasting and deeds of mercy secret, there is a value in sharing with others as we walk through Lent and holding each other accountable to our annual springtime exercises.

Most of all, I'm grateful that this task took me to the scriptures and my own prayer every day in preparation for what would appear under
Gwen Meharg's heart in the daily graphic at the top of the post. (And my thanks to Gwen for permission to use her work here.)

May your Triduum and Easter season be prayerful and joyful!

I trust you, Lord,
and pray you will trust me
to return to you this Eastertide,
day by day, with my whole heart...
Image: Gwen Meharg



  1. Concord Pastor, you shepherd us out here with great beauty and grace along with some real humility. I am aware you may not want effusive compliments in the comments, but this one is made with the same loving intent that feet will be washed with in a few hours.

    I hope that you can accept that.

    Peace be with you always.


  2. P.S. - Thank you Gwen - that image has guided me and no doubt many others this Lent.


Please THINK before you write
and PRAY before you think!