
There's a bunch of turkeys in my parish -

- but most of them have flown the coop! Our youth park a Turkey Truck outside church every year on the Sunday before Thanksgiving, collecting birds for food pantries in East Boston and Roxbury. This year they bagged 235 turkeys! While most of the turkeys came from folks arriving at Mass, the truck and signage occasioned some passersby to stop, inquire and return with a turkey.
Turkey Photo: Alex Rushmer

Above and below: our turkey farmers at work.

Below: that's a rare breed of bird trying to get into the truck:
a genuine red-breasted, fleece-backed, American turkey!

Fortunately, we're close enough to the city that no thawing
threatened the venture. Below, the turkeys are being off-
loaded in East Boston.

Gotta love those Holy Family turkeys!

H/T to BT for the local photos!


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