
Spy Wednesday: Keeping a Holy Lent - 38

Judas conspires with the Chief Priests by Fra Giovanni Angelico
Now the feast of Unleavened Bread, called the Passover, was drawing near, and the chief priests and the scribes were seeking a way to put Jesus to death, for they were afraid of the people. Then Satan entered into Judas, the one surnamed Iscariot, who was counted among the Twelve, and he went to the chief priests and temple guards to discuss a plan for handing him over to them. They were pleased and agreed to pay him money. He accepted their offer and sought a favorable opportunity to hand him over to them in the absence of a crowd. - Luke 22:1-6
Wednesday of Holy Week is sometimes called Spy Wednesday because the gospel for today's Mass relates how Judas conspired to betray Christ and hand him over to the authorities for thirty pieces of silver.
Betrayal is a terrible thing. Some years ago, a person I worked with in ministry accused me of betrayal when he lost his position on a parish staff on which I also served. Whether I betrayed my colleague or not was a source of serious disagreement between us and severed our friendship. We saw the circumstances in very different ways. What I will never forget about the event was the accusation of betrayal. That I believed in my heart that I did not betray this person offered me no solace. The reality that someone I respected would name me a betrayer, of going behind his back to do him harm, left a deep and lasting wound. The wound has healed but the scar remains.

Have you been betrayed? Is there someone you have betrayed? Have you been accused of betrayal? On all sides, the accusation of betrayal is, at once, a heavy burden and a deep wound.

Benedictine priest Aidan Kavanagh once wrote of the "night in which Jesus was betrayed by the worst in us all..." Judas, the betrayer, played the part for all of us who have betrayed the love of Christ in betraying one another.

Innocent and without sin, Jesus carried on his shoulders and suffered in his wounds the burden of our betrayal...

Here's a contemporary setting of the Agnus Dei by Rufus Wainwright. This is not for every taste. What strikes me about it is the musical connection between the depths of our betrayal and sinfulness and the mercy of God: that God's mercy meets us in our sinfulness for that is where we need the Lord, where we need the sacrifice of his love, where we need the gift of his reconciling pacem (peace).

This piece helps me image Judas plotting against his beloved Master and helps me look more honestly at my own betrayals of Christ. Make your way through the wrenching opening sounds that drill one's heart. The piece does not leave us in Judas' despair or our own misery - it takes us beyond to the consolation of the One who takes our sins away...

Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world:
have mercy on us!

Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world:
have mercy on us!

Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world:
grant us peace!

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  1. yes, very wrenching, drilling right through my heart... but, effective...

    I pray that the person that accused you of betrayal reads this post...
    if only maybe for an understanding that maybe he did not have before...

    yes, betrayal is a terrible, horrible thing that leaves very deep wounds and leaves scars as reminders forever...

  2. I agree with Michelle...

    a haunting subject, a haunting composition....

  3. Wow !! I listened to this in the dark morning with a strong northernly cold wind howling outside and the rain lashing against the window.The sneaky whining of that opening sound announces the harrowing despair and agony of the cry that follows. A perfect match for the words of your post.Betrayal,whether real or perceived carries such deep shock, pain, anger and bewilderment on both sides.It does leave scars but as the saying goes : it is the scars we have that mark our true character, not the medals we wear.
    Terrific post Fr. Austin.Godbless.

  4. This is a beautiful post - very moving.

    Betrayal... I am sorry for your pain and for the pain of that other person, the pain that precludes reconciliation.

    The scars form for a reason - it is where the wound is that the healing will also be, as you know.

    Prayers for you this week and always.

  5. Hi Fr. Austin,
    I posted some comments a few hours ago but they seem to have disappeared.
    Please Let me know if they came through; if not I will try and remember what I said and re-post.
    Blessings. ( This is a very moving post!)

  6. to quote Philomena Ewing:

    "it is the scars we have that mark our true character, not the medals we wear."

    I agree with this 110%.

    The "medals" don't really mean that much, if anything.

    The scars mark- something- sometimes I don't think I know what they mark, or what exactly my "true character" is. I guess this might be part of the process, the journey, finding out...


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