
"Teaching at that line of theological scrimmage"

Eilzabeth Scalia has a very fine piece up on her page, The Anchoress, titled, "Heresy is rare and everywhere."

Her essay is so refreshingly sober, informed, discerning and, most of all, helpful in these days when the Catholic blogosphere is filled with accusations of all kinds, sweeping generalizations, personal denunciations and vicious name-calling.

What Scalia does here is to bring the best, the depth, of a truly Catholic approach to bear upon the vexed issues that create mine fields in cyber-conversations:
If Catholics routinely applied a mindset of discernment to all of the issues that engage their passions, I do believe they would find that their ideologies would not align well with their theologies, with the “progressives” forced to admit to the Just truths that undercut their feelings, and “conservatives,” likewise compelled to blur the starkest of their hard lines, for the sake of truth’s Mercy. In Christ, Justice and Peace are met, and his church is forever teaching at that line of theological scrimmage, which is why both left and right find themselves alternately applauding and damning the bishops, depending on the issue.
Take the time to read the complete post.

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