Find a quiet time and place to pray... take a few deep breaths...
be still... and know that God is near...

A word to reflect on:
I will bless you at all times, Lord:
your praise shall be ever in my mouth...
- Psalm 34
(NOTE: We often pray for God to bless us.
For us to bless the Lord means to offer God
our praise and thanks...)
At all times, Lord, I will bless you - at all times!
Not just when I'm content and happy,
no, I will bless you when I'm sad and sorry...
Not just when I'm grateful,
no, I'll bless you in my need and want...
Not just when I want to or I feel like it,
no, I will bless you when I'm disappointed -
in others, in myself or in your answer to my prayers...
Not just when praise comes easily from my heart to my lips
but also when I choke on my thanksgiving,
when words of praise stick in my throat,
even then, Lord, will I bless you...
I will bless you at all times, Lord:
your praise shall be ever in my mouth...
I will bless your faithfulness
when I fear you've left me all alone...
I will bless your kindness
when I'm in pain and cry for healing...
I will bless your mercy
when I can't forget my sins or forgive myself my faults...
I will bless you in the bad times
as I bless you in the good times...
I will bless you in my sickness
as I bless you in my health...
I will bless you in my fear and weakness
as I bless you in my strength and courage...
I will bless you when I have nothing left
as when my cup runs over...
I will bless you in my loneliness
as when my friends are all around me...
I will bless you in my sorrow
as I bless you in my joy...
I will bless you in my failures
as I do when I succeed...
I will bless you in the darkest storm
as I bless you in the sunshine...
I will bless you in my confusion
as when truth and wisdom fill my mind...
I will bless you in my despair
as when my soul is filled with trust and hope...
I will bless you at all times, Lord:
your praise shall be ever in my mouth...
I will bless you at all times, Lord,
because you are always deserving of my praise:
you are my peace in my most difficult days;
you are generous with gifts I've yet to discover;
you hear my every prayer
and answer in your own way, in your own time;
you love me without fail even when I turn away;
you are present by my side though I may not see your face;
you see and wipe away every tear upon my face;
you pardon all my sins past any mercy I deserve;
you are faithful in the worst of times,
you are my healing and my strength;
your love's the greatest gift I have
in poverty and wealth;
you are my companion in the night
and on the loneliest of days;
you are the light in my darkness
and the wisdom in my folly;
you are my hope, my only hope,
the only hope who will not fail me...
I will bless you at all times, Lord:
your praise shall be ever in my mouth...
In the quiet of my prayer, Lord,
open my mind, my heart and my soul,
open my throat and my voice to bless you
today and at all times...
May your praise be ever in my mouth and on my lips:
my heart's greatest gift - to bless you at all times...
I will bless you at all times, Lord:
your praise shall be ever in my mouth...
- Psalm 34
(NOTE: We often pray for God to bless us.
For us to bless the Lord means to offer God
our praise and thanks...)
(Before moving on to the reflection below,
spend some quiet time with the scripture verse above...)
At all times, Lord, I will bless you - at all times!
Not just when I'm content and happy,
no, I will bless you when I'm sad and sorry...
Not just when I'm grateful,
no, I'll bless you in my need and want...
Not just when I want to or I feel like it,
no, I will bless you when I'm disappointed -
in others, in myself or in your answer to my prayers...
Not just when praise comes easily from my heart to my lips
but also when I choke on my thanksgiving,
when words of praise stick in my throat,
even then, Lord, will I bless you...
I will bless you at all times, Lord:
your praise shall be ever in my mouth...
I will bless your faithfulness
when I fear you've left me all alone...
I will bless your kindness
when I'm in pain and cry for healing...
I will bless your mercy
when I can't forget my sins or forgive myself my faults...
I will bless you in the bad times
as I bless you in the good times...
I will bless you in my sickness
as I bless you in my health...
I will bless you in my fear and weakness
as I bless you in my strength and courage...
I will bless you when I have nothing left
as when my cup runs over...
I will bless you in my loneliness
as when my friends are all around me...
I will bless you in my sorrow
as I bless you in my joy...
I will bless you in my failures
as I do when I succeed...
I will bless you in the darkest storm
as I bless you in the sunshine...
I will bless you in my confusion
as when truth and wisdom fill my mind...
I will bless you in my despair
as when my soul is filled with trust and hope...
I will bless you at all times, Lord:
your praise shall be ever in my mouth...
I will bless you at all times, Lord,
because you are always deserving of my praise:
you are my peace in my most difficult days;
you are generous with gifts I've yet to discover;
you hear my every prayer
and answer in your own way, in your own time;
you love me without fail even when I turn away;
you are present by my side though I may not see your face;
you see and wipe away every tear upon my face;
you pardon all my sins past any mercy I deserve;
you are faithful in the worst of times,
you are my healing and my strength;
your love's the greatest gift I have
in poverty and wealth;
you are my companion in the night
and on the loneliest of days;
you are the light in my darkness
and the wisdom in my folly;
you are my hope, my only hope,
the only hope who will not fail me...
I will bless you at all times, Lord:
your praise shall be ever in my mouth...
In the quiet of my prayer, Lord,
open my mind, my heart and my soul,
open my throat and my voice to bless you
today and at all times...
May your praise be ever in my mouth and on my lips:
my heart's greatest gift - to bless you at all times...
To ponder and pray over...
When are the times when it's difficult for me to "bless the Lord,"to give God thanks and praise?
Today, in my prayer right now, for what should I "bless the Lord?"
Do I see that blessing the Lord when it's hard to do so
might be just what I need to do, to move beyond an impasse?
What will I ask of the Lord today?
From this prayer time, what word or phrase will I keep with me
to carry through the rest of my day?
From this prayer time, what word or phrase will I keep with me
to carry through the rest of my day?
After you spend some time with these questions,
pray the reflection above one more time...
Here are some tips for praying 10 minutes a day. If you find these daily prayer reminders helpful, please let me know - and share them with others. You'll find an archive of these daily posts here.
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