Find a quiet time and place to pray... take a few deep breaths...
be still... and know that God is near...

A word to reflect on:
I will instruct you and show you
the way you should walk,
give you counsel and watch over you...
- Psalm 32
I could use some help, Lord - some instruction -
on the way I should walk...
Sometimes it seems I'm standing still, idling,
at the intersection of a dozen different streets
and I don't know which way to turn, which road to take...
Some streets look like paths I should avoid,
some are signed One Way, the arrow pointed towards me,
some are warning Do Not Enter
and one is even marked Dead End...
Three or four or more are paths that look inviting
but I still don't know which one to choose, which way to turn,
in what direction I will find the peace I'm seeking...
So, I pray, instruct me, Lord
and show me the way I should go...
I will instruct you and show you
the way you should walk,
give you counsel and watch over you...
Be my guide, my map, my chart, Lord,
my GPS to take me street by street and turn by turn...
Give me counsel on bearing left or right;
give me guidance on which lane to travel,
when and where to exit and what roadblocks lie ahead...
Show me the most direct route to get to where I'm heading,
to where I need to be;
help me keep track of my speed, of when I go too fast
and when I go too slow...
Teach me not to be afraid or slow to ask for directions!
Help me learn, Lord, that relying solely on my inner compass,
my own "sense of direction," I often lose my way
and move in stubborn circles, going nowhere...
And when I don't even know my destination, Lord, guide me
until I get my bearings, until the scenery looks familiar,
until I have the sense that I'm following your lead,
that you know the way and will bring me safely home...
I will instruct you and show you
the way you should walk,
give you counsel and watch over you...
When I come to unsafe roads or the One Ways,
the Do Not Enters and the Dead Ends,
give me a cup of black coffee, Lord, to keep me awake
and help me make the choices that are sure and safe,
to take the turns that keep me on your path...
And here, today, in the quiet of my prayer, Lord,
unfold the map of my life and let me see where I've been,
the wrong turns I've taken and the short cuts that have hurt me...
Let me study the highways that will speed me home
and the scenic routes to lead me, in leisure, to the same destination...
Show me the streets you'd have me follow this week,
the turns you'd have me make and the direction in which
your Spirit guides my travel...
In the stillness, Lord, help me leave behind the hustle of the highways
and rest in your company on the side of my life's roads...
I will instruct you and show you
the way you should walk,
give you counsel and watch over you...
Give me peace to know where you lead me
and wisdom to know your way...
Give me your own sense of direction for my life, Lord,
and travel every step, every street, every mile
by my side...
I will instruct you and show you
the way you should walk,
give you counsel and watch over you...
- Psalm 32
(Before moving on to the reflection below,
spend some quiet time with the scripture verse above...)
I could use some help, Lord - some instruction -
on the way I should walk...
Sometimes it seems I'm standing still, idling,
at the intersection of a dozen different streets
and I don't know which way to turn, which road to take...
Some streets look like paths I should avoid,
some are signed One Way, the arrow pointed towards me,
some are warning Do Not Enter
and one is even marked Dead End...
Three or four or more are paths that look inviting
but I still don't know which one to choose, which way to turn,
in what direction I will find the peace I'm seeking...
So, I pray, instruct me, Lord
and show me the way I should go...
I will instruct you and show you
the way you should walk,
give you counsel and watch over you...
Be my guide, my map, my chart, Lord,
my GPS to take me street by street and turn by turn...
Give me counsel on bearing left or right;
give me guidance on which lane to travel,
when and where to exit and what roadblocks lie ahead...
Show me the most direct route to get to where I'm heading,
to where I need to be;
help me keep track of my speed, of when I go too fast
and when I go too slow...
Teach me not to be afraid or slow to ask for directions!
Help me learn, Lord, that relying solely on my inner compass,
my own "sense of direction," I often lose my way
and move in stubborn circles, going nowhere...
And when I don't even know my destination, Lord, guide me
until I get my bearings, until the scenery looks familiar,
until I have the sense that I'm following your lead,
that you know the way and will bring me safely home...
I will instruct you and show you
the way you should walk,
give you counsel and watch over you...
When I come to unsafe roads or the One Ways,
the Do Not Enters and the Dead Ends,
give me a cup of black coffee, Lord, to keep me awake
and help me make the choices that are sure and safe,
to take the turns that keep me on your path...
And here, today, in the quiet of my prayer, Lord,
unfold the map of my life and let me see where I've been,
the wrong turns I've taken and the short cuts that have hurt me...
Let me study the highways that will speed me home
and the scenic routes to lead me, in leisure, to the same destination...
Show me the streets you'd have me follow this week,
the turns you'd have me make and the direction in which
your Spirit guides my travel...
In the stillness, Lord, help me leave behind the hustle of the highways
and rest in your company on the side of my life's roads...
I will instruct you and show you
the way you should walk,
give you counsel and watch over you...
Give me peace to know where you lead me
and wisdom to know your way...
Give me your own sense of direction for my life, Lord,
and travel every step, every street, every mile
by my side...
To ponder and pray over...
At what crossroads in my life do I stand today?Am I lost? confused? do I know just where to head?
What guidance, what direction do I need?
Am I slow to ask for directions? to follow directions?
Is the Lord's GPS leading me in a direction I find difficult to follow?
Will I pray for his help to go where he leads me?
What will I ask of the Lord today?
From this prayer time, what word or phrase will I keep with me
to carry through the rest of my day?
From this prayer time, what word or phrase will I keep with me
to carry through the rest of my day?
(After you spend some time with these questions,
pray the reflection above one more time...)
Here are some tips for praying 10 minutes a day. If you find these daily prayer reminders helpful, please let me know - and share them with others. You'll find an archive of these daily posts here.

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