Find a quiet time and place to pray... take a few deep breaths...
be still... and know that God is near...
Today's scripture is the refrain
from Sunday's Mass:
a perfect verse for Easter!
A word to reflect on:
from Sunday's Mass:
a perfect verse for Easter!
A word to reflect on:
This is the day the Lord has made;
let us rejoice in it and be glad!- Psalm 118
(Before moving on to the reflection below,
How long will it take, Lord?(Before moving on to the reflection below,
spend some quiet time with the scripture verse above...)
How long before my mind learns and my heart believes
that today is the only day I have:
this is the day I have with you,
this is the day you've made for me,
this is the day you've given me...
How long, Lord, before I accept
that yesterday is gone, that all my yesterdays are history,
that "living" in my past is a mirage,
a fantasy and even, sometimes, a nightmare...
How long before I open my eyes to see
that yesterday is gone and you've given me a new day,
a day to spend in your company:
in your presence, in your peace, in your protective embrace...
How long, Lord, before I accept that tomorrow is simply not yet here,
that my effort to anticipate it,
to try to live in a day that's not yet come,
robs me of the strength, the joy, the love of the day at hand,
the day you've given me, the day you've made...
With your help I might need to prepare for tomorrow
but I can't today resolve or deal with what tomorrow
may or may not bring...
Tomorrow is in your hands alone, Lord - surely not in mine -
and I pray that just as grace has brought me safe thus far,
grace will bring me to and through the days and weeks ahead..
And I know I'll not leave yesterday behind
or trust tomorrow to your care, Lord,
unless, until I live and rejoice in the day at hand...
This is the day you've made, Lord:
let me rejoice in it and be glad!
I ask your grace to help me live in today, Lord.
Sometimes a whole day passes and I realize I've not really lived it,
that I've done little more than stall my journey
between my memories of yesterday and my fears of tomorrow...
I ask you for your grace, Lord, for the strength
to live and even to rejoice in this day, the day you've given me,
whatever this day may bring my way...
I know this day will have its own ups and downs, its joys and sorrows,
its high and low points, its successes and failures,
its own rest and weariness: just about every day does, Lord...
And I know that all along my path this day and through the night
you'll be at my side:
leading me, guiding me, supporting me;
lifting me up when I stumble and fall...
This is the day you've made, Lord:
let me rejoice in it and be glad!
Help me live in this day,
not around it, or apart from it, or in spite of it - but in it.
Help me live in this day, in the stuff of it, Lord,
in whatever this day's made of,
this day you've made and given to me to live...
And as I live in the day you've made, Lord -
help me rejoice and be glad!
Help me rejoice in accepting this day as your gift to me...
Help me be glad and strong in whatever this day brings me...
Help me look for, help me find the joy you offer me this day, Lord...
Help me find in my heart a gladness deeper than sadness,
a joy stronger than my sorrow, a peace that heals my wounds...
In the midst of this day's troubles and trials
shine the light of your grace to help me, Lord,
to help me find joy in trusting that nothing will come my way
that you and I, together, can't face and handle...
This is the day you've made, Lord:
let me rejoice in it and be glad!
In the quiet of my prayer, Lord,
help me let go of yesterday's burdens
and free me from fear of what tomorrow may bring...
In this quiet time with you, Lord,
help me remember how you've brought me safe thus far
and help me trust you'll see me through tomorrow...
In the stillness, Lord, give me peace of mind
and open my heart and soul, open my eyes and my ears
open my dreams and imagination to the you you offer me...
In my time with you in prayer, Lord,
let me rejoice and be glad in your presence, in your peace,
in your protective embrace...
This is the day you've made, Lord:
let me rejoice in it and be glad!
Help me be still in your presence
and know that you're my God,
that in you is my joy and gladness
in the day at hand, the day you've made,
the only day I have this day,
your precious gift to me...
This is the day you've made, Lord:
let me rejoice in it and be glad!
To ponder and pray over...
Are my yesterdays keeping me from this day's hope?Is my anxiety for tomorrow robbing me of this day's joy?
Do I live around or apart from or in spite of the day at hand?
Will I look for the risen Lord in this day's ups and downs?
Will I ask the Spirit to help me "keep it in today?"
What will I ask of the Lord today?
From this prayer time, what word or phrase will I keep with me
to carry through the rest of my day?
From this prayer time, what word or phrase will I keep with me
to carry through the rest of my day?
(After you spend some time with these questions,
pray the reflection above one more time...)
Here are some tips for praying 10 minutes a day. If you find these daily prayer reminders helpful, please let me know - and share them with others. You'll find an archive of these daily posts here.
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