Some days, Lord,
in the simplest of ways,
are the best days of all...
The best days are those
when I make some time
to be with you
and to stop and pray...
The best days come
when those around me bring a smile
to my heart and to my face
and I'm ready to receive the joy...
The best days are those
when I learn something new
(and wonderful)
about those who are around me
all the time...
The best days are those
when I see, clearly,
how you've used my words and work
to touch the lives of others...
The best days are those
when I have good advice
to share with one I call my friend...
The best days are those, Lord,
when I know I'm in the right place
at the right time
and you are by my side...
The best days are those
when I can trust, without a doubt,
that I live in your grace and I'm held
in the palm of your hand...
The best days are those, Lord,
when I'm at peace with you,
with those around me
and even with myself...
Yesterday was a "best day" for me Lord,
but for those who had a hard day,
a sad day, a lonely day,
I pray today will be a better day,
even a best day, in your love, in your grace,
in the palm of your strong and gentle hand...
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A very lovely prayer, thank you!