Image: George Mendoza
Good morning, good God!
So often it’s the “little things” that really get to me
so this morning, Lord, I offer you
the "small stuff" that throws me off:
I pray for your healing and your help...
I offer you the little disappointments
that can so easily sidetrack my day
and distract me from bigger concerns
and more important responsibilities...
Heal my perspective, Lord,
and don't let me sweat the small stuff:
help me see my problems for what they are -
no more and no less…
When things don't go my way
and I act like a child, help me grow up
and give me the patience I need
to take all things just one day at a time…
I offer you the bumps in my road,
the ones that tumble and slow me down;
don’t let them stall and stop me
or turn me around and set me back…
I offer you all the setbacks
that keep me from changing my life in a day:
help me see in unexpected twists and turns,
the opportunity for growth and grace…
Give me balance and courage
to go forward every day,
moving over, around and through the rough spots -
even when I want to call it quits...
I offer you the little losses each day brings:
help me know the difference
between the molehills and mountains
of difficulty and defeat…
Heal the pride that keeps me
from owning my own mistakes
and the self-judgment that blinds me
‘til my mistakes are all I see…
Open my eyes and let me see,
help me learn,
it's not all about me, Lord!
Open my heart to the burdens
of others whose needs are many
and far exceed my own…
Open my hands and arms
to those who struggle to walk on paths
at least as rough as mine…
I offer you my day, Lord,
with all its little problems
and all the small stuff
that gets to me and throws me off…
Heal my perspective, Lord,
and don't let me sweat the small stuff:
help me see my problems for what they are -
no more and no less…
Lord, give me wisdom
to know what truly matters;
give me counsel
to weigh my problems wisely
and give me courage
to do what I must do...
Receive my morning offering, Lord,
today and through the week ahead…
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