
Monday Morning Offering: February 13

Image: George Mendoza

Good morning, good God!

What I’d like to offer you this Monday morning is -
the rest of this winter.

And when I say I’d like to “offer” it to you, Lord,
what I really mean is,
“You can take it back!”

What I’d really like, Lord,is to skip from here to April:
to the thawing of things cold frozen,
to the promise of softening earth,
to the caress of a first warm day,
to trees greening and jonquils flowering…

So, I'd like to trade you the rest of winter
for the first days of April...

I know you’re not surprised, Lord.
You know better than I
how I always want to skip the hard times.
I’d rather skate around the rough patches.
I’d like to skirt the dark days, the gray days,
the cold days, the winter days -
and pretend they don’t have to come at all -
but they do…

So maybe what I really need to offer you this morning
is a prayer, my desire,
for a heart and a mind willing to face,
to take on the rest of this winter
and to walk through the cold gray haze
seeking, finding, counting on
the warmth of your presence
and the help of others
to lead me, to guide me,
to help me make my way to spring time…

And not just for this winter, Lord!
I need a heart to offer you all the hard times,
rough patches and gray days
and to offer you the fear and frustration I own
when those times come my way…

Offer me the wisdom, Lord,
offer me the strength, the will I need
to make it from here to where I want to go,
to where I want to be,
to where you call me...

And let me not hesitate for a moment
when I see on my path
your light for my steps,
your hand to guide me
and your love to keep me safe…

Help me take it a day at a time, Lord,
a week at a time,
a season at a time…

And open my eyes and ears and heart
to those ready to help me along the way, Lord,
and to those who need the help
that I might offer them…

So, I’ll take the rest of February, Lord,
and March, too,
and pray you’ll accept the offering
of a heart in need of your help and grace,
longing to move on,
and yearning for spring…


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