Homily for the Twenty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time
(Scriptures for today's Mass)
(Audio for homily)
Just bought a new whistle
and I thought the big open space
of the church
might be a good place to try it out - so, brace yourselves
here goes!
Did you hear it?
Well, I’m not surprised because this is a silent dog
a whistle whose pitch is one that dogs can hear
but the human ear can’t detect.
As you may know,
dog whistles have been in the news the last
week or so.
Not the real kind like this one.
The dog whistles referred to in the news are figurative and
In this sense,
whistles are words and phrases in political
that reach some ears but not others,
with a message intended
for some ears but not for others.
I bring this up because it seems to me,
based on
today’s gospel, that God has a whistle, too,
a whistle whose sound reaches us on a special frequency.
It’s in the exchange between Jesus and Peter in the gospel
when Peter finally gives Jesus the right answer to the
“Who do people say
that I am?”
Jesus replies,
are you, Peter,
for flesh and blood has not revealed this to you,
for flesh and blood has not revealed this to you,
but my heavenly Father.”
Peter heard something that the others
didn’t hear.
Peter was tuned in to the whisper of
God’s Spirit,
the frequency of God’s whistle sounding
in his mind and heart.
Of course, this was Peter -- Saint Peter --
the rock on whom Jesus pledged to build
his church,
to whom Jesus entrust the “keys to the
kingdom of heaven!”
Peter was not your ordinary follower of
Jesus - he was special.
But we shouldn’t be too hasty in dismissing
Peter’s experience
as so unique that it might not be ours,
Don’t forget that Peter wasn’t always
tuned in to God’s frequency.
He certainly wasn’t listening to God’s
whisper or whistle
when he three times denied even knowing Jesus
when Jesus most needed his help.
He wasn’t listening to God’s whisper or
when he abandoned Jesus to the Cross
and ran and hid
to protect his own hide.
Sometimes Peter listened - and
sometimes he didn’t.
Sometimes Peter heard - and sometimes
he didn’t.
Sometimes you and I listen and hear -
and sometimes, we don’t.
At least in this regard I believe we’re
more like Peter than unlike
You and I wouldn’t even be here in this
church today
unless somehow, at some time, in some
we had heard God’s whisper, God’s
reaching the ears of our minds and
We wouldn’t be here today unless the
whisper of God’s word
had somehow, at some point reached us
and spoken to us.
Sometimes God’s whistle, God’s whisper,
speaks to us in our habits:
if you’re here today mostly because this
is what you do every week -
then that’s how God whistled you to
church this morning.
Or maybe you’re here because you’re afraid to miss Mass.
Well, God can reach us through all our
our apprehensions and our emotions.
God can whistle us to his presence
through the pressure of other people.
There may be some here today only because “she said I had to
God can reach us on any frequency we’re
tuned in to -
God can reach us even when we imagine
we’ve totally tuned God out!
God’s whistle never stops calling us.
God’s voice is like a radio station
broadcasting and streaming online
24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days
a year.
God’s always calling us, reaching out
to us, wanting to get our attention,
whistling for us until we hear - and
The question, then, is this: am I tuned in to God’s frequency
or have I wandered up and down the dial
to other stations?
One good way to figure this out is for
us to respond
to the question Jesus asked in today’s
do you say that I am?”
Who do we say Jesus is when we’re listen
to, read and ponder
the day’s news?
Who do we say Jesus is when we make
about immigrants and immigration
Who do we say Jesus is
when we endorse one piece of
legislation over another?
Who do we say Jesus is
when we study the platforms of
political parties
and the dossiers of politicians and
Who do we say Jesus is
when hate is in the headlines on a
daily basis?
Who do we, as the church, say Jesus is?
Who do you and I, as individuals, say Jesus is?
Who we say Jesus is in our lives,
how we listen for his wisdom in forming
our opinions
and making choices,
how we love our neighbor in the face of
how we open the ears of our hearts and
to the whisper and whistle of God’s
Spirit calling us ---
all of this can lead us to the wisdom
of God,
to his inscrutable judgments, his
unsearchable ways.
Openness to the whisper, the whistle,
the word of God
can open us to wisdom otherwise far
beyond our own reach.
Pray with me at the Lord’s Table today
that our prayer here attune our minds
and hearts
to the whisper, the whistle and the
word of our God.
Scripture tells us that Wisdom sets a
table to feed her children.
Pray with me that in sharing the Supper
of the Lord,
we’ll be nourished by that wisdom which
belongs to God alone
but which wisdom God chooses to share
even with us.

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