Homily for the Twenty-second Sunday In Ordinary Time
(Scriptures for today's Mass)
Audio for homily
St. Paul urged us in
the second scripture today
to “discern the will
of God, what is pleasing and perfect…”
Doesn’t sound easy - figuring
out God’s will for me…
But suppose in our
mail on Tuesday morning
(there’s no mail delivery on Labor Day)
suppose we found this
- addressed with your
name, your address and your ZIP code
- with the return
Eternity (I guess
there are no ZIP codes in heaven!)
And suppose in this
envelope we found a letter from God,
outlining the Divine
will for our lives…
Well, on the one hand,
all the hard work of
discerning would be done for us
but on the other hand,
there’d no longer be any excuses
for our not knowing
and doing exactly what God wants us to do.
Saint Paul just gave
us a clue about what we need to do
in order to discern
and accomplish God’s will for us.
He urged us not “to conform
ourselves to the present age”
but rather that we “be
transformed by a renewal of our minds.”
Paul wrote nearly
2,000 years ago
but his words remain
true today -
and I’ll bet he’d be
blown away by our present age
and everything
seducing us to conform to it.
There are so many ways
in which we’re tempted
to conform ourselves
to our own
wills rather than to God’s will:
to conform ourselves
to the latest fad, to our desires, our
our own needs, our own
notions and conceptions
of truth, justice and
One way of getting at
what might be God’s will for us
is to discern what we
to be the most
difficult thing to accept in our lives.
Very often, that
difficulty, that stumbling block, that problem,
- that cross - might
be a part of God’s will for us
that cross might be
the result of our failing to discern or follow
what is God’s
will is for us.
Now, that’s NOT to say
that God wills
our troubles, our
problems, our crosses.
What God does will, or
better -what God’s will allows-
is for these burdens to
be part of our lives.
In the gospel today,
Jesus is speaking to those closest to him
about the suffering,
the hard times - the cross - that will soon be his.
Peter intervenes,
appearing to be concerned and helpful, saying,
“God forbid, Lord! No such thing will ever happen to you!”
A voice like Peter’s
often intervenes in our lives, too -
a voice apparently
concerned for our welfare
- but at the same
warning us away from
accepting whatever cross might be ours.
Jesus accurately read
Peter’s protective concern
as a temptation to
refuse the cross he was to bear
and so Jesus urges us
not to listen to the voice
that would counsel us
in the same way
but rather, to take up
whatever cross is ours
for that is part of
our God’s will for us,
part of a larger plan
in which those who bear their cross
will ultimately find
life, and have life to the full, forever.
God’s will for us
isn’t something we discern in an instant.
In fact, discerning
God’s will is, for most of us, a life long process
in which, over and
over again.
we examine our
circumstances, our joys and our sorrows,
our burdens and
and ask for the help,
the grace, to bear what’s most difficult
that we might stay on
the path that leads to peace.
So, let’s take a look
inside the mail we might receive on Tuesday.
And here’s what it
My will for you:
1) Remember the words
of St. Paul:
“Be transformed by the renewal of
your mind…”
2) Heed the words of
the prophet Micah:
what is just, love what is good and walk humbly with God…”
3) Do as Jesus taught
“Love God with all your heart, all
your soul and all your mind -
and love your neighbor
as yourself…”
4) Those first three are
for everyone, this fourth is for you,
but you’ll need to pray, to discern,
what is my particular
will for you…
P.S. Whatever is my will for you,
I’ll be there to help you accomplish it.
Jesus discerned his
Father’s will for him
and for our sakes,
took up his Cross and offered his life for us.
He lost his life so
that we might find ours.
And on the night
before he died he gathered his friends at a table,
like our altar here,
and in the sacrament
of his Body and Blood,
in the Bread and Cup
of the Eucharist,
he gave us a share in
the sacrifice that only he could make.
Pray with me that this
same sacrament nourish us
for the work of
discerning God’s will,
and of bearing our own
that we might do what
is good and pleasing
and walk humbly with
the Lord.

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