I've been watching squirrels scurry,
storing up for winter what summer left behind:
their wisdom tipping me to do the same,
to gather summer memories,
to keep me through the months ahead...
My thanks and praise to you, Lord,
for summer's souvenirs
still fresh enough to savor one more time,
sweet enough to keep for times when
summer's memories fade
and I will seek the hope
that only spring can bring...
As hurried, harried days become the norm,
remind me, Lord, of summer's lazy spell
and the freedom of time to do what I wanted,
when I wanted to do it
- or not...
When my house is shut,
closed to keep out wind and chill,
remind me then of open windows and curtains
waving morning breezes 'cross my bed...
When hats and coats and scarves and gloves
become my daily wear,
remind me, Lord, of sandals, shorts
and summer's warmth upon my face...
When the sun sets oh-too-early
and naked branches trace a leafless pattern
'cross dark autumn skies,
remind me, Lord, of lush, green growth and
shade, beautiful shade, shielding me
from sun and heat I'll soon be longing for...
As chilled October days keep me from my porch,
my place of rest and peace,
draw me to my prayer room -
its warmth a quiet holy place
for spending time with you...
Fill my heart, Lord, with summer's heat
as fall gives way to frost and frost to cold
and winter snows me in...
Be my warmth in the weeks and months ahead
and squirrel me away in a corner of your heart:
keep me, as you always do, Lord,
held and warm in your strong arms...

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