O God,
we need the gifts of your Spirit
to open our minds and hearts,
to discover your way and your will,
to inspire civil discourse,
to guide all those who govern,
to reconcile our differences,
to unite the divided
and to make of the many one people,
with liberty and justice for all...
Give us wisdom:
minds and hearts
to see all people and all situations
as you see them, Lord -
heal our blind and stubborn views...
Give us the understanding we need
to intuit your plan for humankind
and to discern your divine will
revealed in your saving Word -
your will, Lord, not ours, be done...
Give us the gift of counsel
to know, with your Spirit's help,
what to speak, what to do
and the path we're to follow -
be the source of all our thoughts and deeds...
Give us fortitude, Lord:
the courage we need
to be faithful to you
in the struggle to know and to do what is right -
be our strength, our might, in our weakness...
Give us knowledge, Lord,
of the value of life
in the gifts of creation,
all in relationship to you, our Maker -
fill our minds with your binding truth...
Give us the gift of reverence, Lord:
make us willing and faithful in serving you
through serving our neighbor in love
and caring for all of creation -
help us find and praise you in all you've made...
Give us wonder and awe in your presence, Lord:
look not on our sins
but on your people's faith
and draw us closer to you and your grace -
teach us to long for your face...
O God,
we need the gifts of your Spirit
to open our minds and hearts,
to discover your way and your will,
to inspire civil discourse,
to guide all those who govern,
to reconcile our differences,
to unite the divided
and to make of the many one people,
with liberty and justice for all...

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