Homily for Holy Family Sunday
Scriptures for today's Mass
Audio for homily
Just yesterday Donna, a friend on
FaceBook, posted this statement:
people know this already,
I mean this from the bottom of my heart.
door is always open. Our house is a safe zone.
can be on in minutes, a cold beer or cocktail.
dining room table is a place of peace and non-judgment.
who needs to chat is welcome anytime.
It's no good suffering in silence.
have food or we can always order out - and eat and cry and laugh.
will always do our best to be available...
are always welcome here!”
She went on to say that what she and
her husband Pete are offering
is the value of old fashioned
hospitality that we may have lost
in an age of technology, social media,
texting and emojis.
Think about what Donna wrote:
door is always open to you…
will do out best to be available to you
you are always welcome here!”
If you don’t have someone like this in
your life
- don’t you wish you did?
And whether or not there’s someone in
our lives
whose door is always open to us, might
not each of us ask ourselves:
“Does my door swing open this freely to
Do I do my best to be available to my
Are others always welcome at my table,
in my life?”
The truth is, some of may offer just
such hospitality
to friends and neighbors - but deny it
to some in our own families.
Or some of us may have just this kind
of open relationship
with family members and close friends
but are quick to shut and lock the door
to others
with whom we have disagreements
or against whom we harbor resentments
and old grudges.
One way to frame the question is to
ask, on Holy Family Sunday,
“Just who is in my family?”
To whom does the door of my home freely
To whom is it shut?
To whom does the door of my heart open
wide -
and who is shut out of my heart?
Who’s invited to sit at the table in my
at my cafeteria table at school?
Who’s welcome and who’s not welcome
to the table of folks I lunch with at
How freely and how wide does the door
open in my thoughts
when I’m considering the plight of the
world’s refugees
or immigration policy?
What doors in my heart are closed, shut
tight, locked
to family members or friends or
neighbors or fellow parishioners
even as I make my way to the altar
where the Lord has guaranteed a seat
for me at his table
and is available to me 24/7/365?
From God’s point of view, there is only
one family
and we are all members of that family,
without exception.
God is the head of this universal
and we, God’s sons and daughters,
are brothers and sisters to one another
in Christ Jesus the Lord.
The family that goes by your last name
or my last name
- these are just very small branches on
God’s family tree.
We are blood relatives to some
but related to ALL in the blood of our brother,
shed for us on the Cross and shared
with us at this table.
As the song goes, we are
“One bread, one body…
and we, though the many, throughout the
we are one body in this one Lord.”
Most of us have an
“open door, open table availability” for many
in our lives
but most of us also have some work to
in opening our doors more freely
and being more hospitable in inviting
others to our table.
The good news is that this feast of the
Holy Family
falls so close to the first of January
and New Year’s resolutions.
If we want to honor the Holy Family of
Jesus, Mary and Joseph,
let’s take time today to check the
hinges on the doors of our hearts
and go over the guest list
for those we invite to share our
hearts’ tables.
And let’s resolve, in the New Year,
to open those doors at least a little
and let’s resolve, in the New Year,
to add some seats to our table
and let’s, in the New Year, beginning
thank God that the Lord’s door is
always open to each of us
that there’s always a seat held for
each of us at his table, this altar.
We belong to a great, universal, holy
may the New Year be a time for us to
live and love
not as strangers or worse yet, as
but as brothers and sisters who share
one bread and one cup,
in the One who is Lord of us all.

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