Could be the post-Christmas blues, Lord,
or maybe some end-of-the-year doldrums
or just a little here-comes-January anxiety
but whatever it is
it comes my way this time each year
and leaves me 'specially in need
of gifts of your grace...
New Year's just ahead
with resolutions to be made
while the three kings' journey plods along,
following that eastern star...
I need your grace to get me through,
your star to lead me to your peace,
and if you've got a few spare angels
send them my way, Lord,
to guard and guide me through
these cold and sometimes lonely wintry'
days and nights...
Give me a shepherd's faith
to watch my flock and at the same time
seek you out and find the place
where you are born right where I live
and where I work,
where the ordinary everyday is longing
for your Word made flesh among us...
Let no clouds cover the glory revealed
when hark the herald angels sang
the hopes and fears of all the years
met and healed in Bethlehem
and now, I truly pray,
deep in my own heart...
Give me faith I need
to trust your arm's around my shoulder,
drawing me the closer to your side,
and that in the year ahead
you'll be there with gifts of grace to guide my step
and fill my heart with peace
and even, now and then, with joy...

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