Just musing, Lord, on simple things
to which I could pay more attention
and for which I should be more grateful...
Things like:
a crisp, sunny day in January,
a friend's touch on my shoulder
a hint of your presence beside me
the freedom in which I live
the beauty of my friend's new grandchild
catching up with an old friend
the light of the moon and the stars
a bed to sleep in
good dreams
a morning shower
warm ear muffs
breakfast, lunch and dinner
good music, well played and sung
and rain
flowers blooming
memories, memories, memories
crops growing
cold drinks on hot days
hot chocolate on cold days
your forgiving my sins
a hot shower, a clean shave
finally doing what needs to be done
the loyalty of family and friends
a day with no bad news
lapping waves at the shore
seeing an old friend at Sunday mass
a sleeping baby
remembering what I'd forgotten
a child at play
word that my friend feels better
something to look forward to
telling the truth when it's hard
a friend who has my back
the satisfaction of a job well done
soft rain
quiet time, silent time
a cup of Rocky Mountain Morning tea
a word when I'm desperate to hear one
time spent in prayer
a real letter in the mail
seeing my work bear fruit
my morning omelette and salsa
getting anything done on time
serving an other's needs
seeking and finding what's true
a good night's sleep
picking up my dry cleaning
a Monday holiday
my parish men's group
doing what I know I should do
the grace of God
laundry done, folded, put away
the patience others have with me
leaving behind what's foolish
the sounds of my parish at prayer
trusting that all shall be well
doing the next right thing
cashews and peanuts
exchanging smiles with a stranger
making peace my neighbor
making peace with you
making peace with myself
pausing for prayer every day
staying right in the moment
living one day at a time
remembering your love for me...
Just musing, Lord, on simple things
to which I could pay more attention
and for which I should be more grateful...
For all these gifts
and for bringing them to mind,
thank you, Lord!
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