Face of the Savior of the World by Noehani Harsono |
Dear God,
Every dawn begins a holy day, a new beginning,
a new chapter in the story of your love for us...
Every year we enter a whole Week we call Holy,
a solemn, joyful time to remember and celebrate
the love you poured out for us
in the suffering, dying and rising of Jesus...
Only you, Lord,
know how you want to teach and touch me
in these holy days...
Open my mind and heart
to what you have in store for me,
to the grace you want to offer me..
Open my time, my schedule, my calendar
to spending time with you in prayer...
Make my days and nights free for you
that you might free me
for the all you have in store for me...
Draw me to the church’s prayer,
this Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday...
You have opened your heart for me, Lord,
help me open mine to you...
Lord, in your love and mercy,
hear my prayer...
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