
Monday Morning Offering: 4/30

Coffee in the Morning by George Mendoza

Good morning, good God!

Finally, Lord,
it's time to open my windows,
too long closed to frost and chill
and this spring so late in coming...

There's new life in the fresh air
gently sweeping the corners of my rooms,
airing out the last of winter's stale and musty ghosts...

But more than my rooms long
for the blessing breeze of fresh air...

Will you open the windows of my heart, Lord,
and the windows of my soul?

Will you open the windows of my mind
and refresh me with the Spirit's winds
of wisdom and understanding?

Will you open the windows of my heart
and fill my soul's lungs with fresh grace?

Help me inhale, deeply,
what you breathe in me, Lord:
let your breath become mine
until you and I breathe of one Spirit...

Will you open the windows of my imagination
and spring clean the closets of my dreams and desires?
Will you air out what's locked up within
and breathe to new life what's fresh and pure?

Will you open the windows of my will, Lord,
refreshing my resolve to do what is good,
to love what is just,
to walk humbly by your side?

Will you open the windows of my conscience
and fill me with the daylight of your Word,
the counsel of your truth,
the courage of my convictions?

Sitting by an open window, Lord,
I offer you the windows of my life:
open them wide
then breeze and blow,
huff and puff your way in
and fill me with all you have to offer...

For this season of open windows
and the warmth and light they invite
I thank and praise you, Lord
this morning, this day and all this week...



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