Lord, help me let go the memories of my past
that haunt my dreams and cloud my soul...
Help me forget what neither helps nor heals:
clear my mind and heart of whatever holds me back
and drags me down...
Keep me from dwelling on the disappointments and hurt
that sour my spirit and rob me of joy...
Sweep my memory of all the keeps me from seeing
that you're at my side, that you reach for my hand,
that you guide all my steps, that you're leading me to peace...
Do something new, Lord!
Do something new within me,
in the depths of my soul,
in the corners of my mind,
in my heart of hearts...
Do something new for me, Lord,
and keep me from getting in the way
of what you do, what you offer me,
what you hold out for me to have,
what you place in my lap, what you leave at my door:
all the ways you enter my life every day...
Do something new for me, Lord,
and give me the grace to accept it,
even if at first I don't understand it;
even if at first it seems a bad fit;
even if at first, I fear it;
even if at first I don't like it;
even if at first I refuse it...
Do something new for me, Lord,
and help me trust that all you do
will help and heal me,
free and redeem me,
stretch and strengthen me...
Do something new for me, Lord,
and let me perceive it, help me see it;
let me feel it and know it deep in my bones;
help me be sure that it comes from you
and leads me to you;
let nothing keep me from giving myself to it,
whatever it is, Lord,
whatever is the something new you do for me...
Make your way into the wilderness of my heart,
into the wasteland of my selfishness,
into the wild places in need of taming,
into the brush that needs to be cleared,
into the desert waiting for the river of your mercy
to flood with peace and refresh my soul...
In the quiet of my prayer, Lord, help me let go
the things of the past that keep me from you
and from your pardon and peace
and the power of your grace...
In the stillness, Lord, help me know your presence
and perceive how you move in the silence,
bringing new gifts, doing new things,
moving my heart in new ways...
Do something new, Lord!
Do something new within me, in the depths of my soul,
in the corners of my mind, in my heart of hearts...
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