
Pause for Prayer: FRIDAY 5/4

A Lot on My Plate 

So very many different people, Lord,  
so many different things,
filling my schedule, my nights and days;
commanding my attention, focusing my vision;
jamming my thoughts,
renting space in my mind and  heart... 

There's a lot on my plate, Lord...

So many concerns, Lord:
my day to day work and all the people
who email, call, come by to chat, to laugh and cry,
who cross my path by appointment, by grace,
by the Spirit's surprise...

There's a lot on my plate, Lord... 

There are deadlines for meetings and projects,
work to be done with committees and councils
and on programs and homilies,
all of these needing a share of my time...

There's a lot on my plate, Lord... 

And besides what's on my calendar, Lord,
there wait in my soul my own cares and concerns,
my troubles and trials: unknown to most,
shared with a few and with you in prayer,
in the time that we spend in the quiet, you and I,
in my prayer room, in church, on my porch, in my car, 
in the shower and at any moment, in any place,
where your Spirit nudges my mind and heart 
to remember you're with me, right by my side,
my companion, my mentor, my guide, my help... 

So, help me sort things out, Lord:
help me know what's important and what's not so much,
to know where you lead me beyond my own wants;
to know what you ask me to do - and to do it;
to know what's your will beyond my own,
to be honest in answering your word when you speak,
to do what I must when I don't want to do it,
to say what I must when I'd rather keep silent;
to go where you lead when I don't want to go... 

Help me sort things out, Lord:
give me patience in working with others;
let my words be gentle, my thoughts well reasoned,
my decisions grounded in your Spirit's counsel;
help me generously give of my time...

When blessed with joy, let my heart open wide
to receive and to share it, to rejoice in such grace;
when sadness fills the day (my own or others')
open my heart to healing, to peace,
to the comfort your presence offers
and to any way to lighten the load
of the burdens that others carry... 

When I'm way too busy, Lord, 
Slow. Me. Down...

When I'm just plain lazy,
Kick. My. Butt.

When I haven't a clue as to what I should do:
Open. My. Eyes.
Open. My. Mind.
Open. My. Heart.
and give me the wisdom to know what's right
and the courage to do what I know.

So very many different things
filling my schedule, my nights and days;
commanding my attention, focusing my vision;
jamming my thoughts,
renting space in my mind and  heart... 

There's a lot on my plate, Lord...  

Let me not forget how much I need you:
without your help, Lord, I will certainly fail; 
without your inspiration, my words will be empty; 
without your grace I'll turn in on myself;
without your Spirit, I have no compass; 
without your mercy, I have no hope;
without your love I'm lost and alone... 

Let me not forget how much I need you, Lord...

Occupy my mind and purify my thoughts; 
settle in my heart and make it your home; 
calm my soul with the healing and peace 
that only you can give... 

Make of me and my time the work of your hands:
keep me faithful to you,
to your word and your will...

And since there's so much on my plate, Lord,
may others be fed, may others be nourished
by the plenty, the abundance that's mine...



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