Homily for the Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Scriptures for today's Mass
I love Solomon’s prayer in today’s first scripture:
I prayed and prudence was given me;
I pleaded
and the spirit of wisdom came to me.
A way of getting at this verse from scripture
might be
to come in through the back door.
Let’s you and I ask ourselves a few questions
- a few rhetorical
questions -
so don’t raise your hand or shout out any answers
- OK?
• First question.
Might help to close your eyes.
“What’s the
most imprudent thing I’ve ever
done in my life?”
Good! No hands
up and no one shouting out an answer!
• A second question.
“What’s the most foolish thing I’ve ever done in my life?”
Well, God knows I’ve done a lot of imprudent
things in my life.
And God knows I’ve done a lot of foolish things in
my life.
I’ve said some things that were imprudently
And I’ve done some things that were foolishly
And I’ve said and done things
that were imprudently and foolishly sinful.
While it’s true that most of us
don’t lead generally foolish, imprudent lives,
it’s also true that most of us, from time to time,
say and do truly imprudent and foolish things.
In fact, one of the most foolish and imprudent
things of all
would be to claim that I’m never really foolish or
• So, how about a third question?
What’s the most sinfully imprudent, foolish thing
I’ve ever said or done in my life?
Sinful. What is sin?
Sin is nothing more and nothing less than damned
Solomon knew this and that’s why he prayed for
prudence and wisdom.
Prudence is born of wisdom:
is good judgment, common sense,
vigilance and foresight…
takes care, thinks ahead, reasons deliberately,
the truth, exercises discretion…
tends to be wary - not impulsive,
minded - not prejudiced,
- not hesitant…
leads to goodness, integrity, peace,
surety and holiness…
always leads us back to the wisdom from which she is born.
the other hand, foolishness breeds
pride, waste, hurt, division and confusion -
seduces us, leads us ever nearer to, and deeper into, sin.
doubt that anyone here wouldn’t like to be at least
little more prudent and
wise, and a little less foolish and sinful.
know that’s what I want.
left to our own devices, it seems we have a tendency
choose the foolish path too often
the path of wisdom not often enough.
we might find ourselves lacking in models
wiser, more prudent living.
The entertainment world isn’t overflowing with good example
the many screens that hold our attention
often wanting in the wisdom department.
Our political world is no store house of prudence
often seems damned foolish.
And we know too keenly that even the Church has failed
faithfully modeling for us the wisdom that comes only from God,
the prudence who holds in her arms the promise
satisfying our hearts’ deepest and best desires.
what are we to do? Where are we to go?
are we to find this wisdom born of prudence?
are we to leave our foolishness and our foolish sins behind
grow in wisdom?
we need to grapple with the three questions I posed:
How have I been (how am I
being even now) imprudent in my life?
What foolish choices have I
made (am I making even now) in my life?
And how has my imprudence led
me (how is it leading me today)
to the foolishness of sin?
of us needs to wrestle with our own imprudence
with the foolishness of words and deeds that transgress
law, the word and the love of God.
again, each of us needs to realize
the greatest imprudence of all
the belief that I’m not at all foolish
- that I have no sin.
we grapple and wrestle with these hard truths,
we’re ready to pray with Solomon:
I pray for prudence, Lord, give it to me;
I plead for wisdom,
let it come to me.
One thing we can be sure of is that prudence and
are gifts that God is always wanting and waiting
to give us.
But God’s generosity here is not enough, not the
whole story.
While God is always ready to offer these gifts,
if we’re to receive them we need to yearn and
learn to
“prefer prudence and wisdom to scepter
and crown”
and to
“count wisdom and prudence more valuable than
gold or silver,
to choose
them over health and beauty.”
What do
we choose, you and I?
What will we choose when God offers us prudence
and wisdom?
Does anyone among us not want to grow in prudence and wisdom?
And what are we willing to give away to possess
Perhaps my three questions today might have
stirred up in you
some unpleasant, some imprudent, some foolish,
even some sinful memories from the past
-or realizations about the present.
I know that writing this homily did that for me.
We imprudent, foolish, sinful folks need, then, to
look and to go
to the source of all wisdom, the Spirit of God,
and to pray that prudence be given us and wisdom
come to us.
The mystery of wisdom is found in Jesus.
St. Paul tells us that the message of the Cross is
the wisdom of God.
Look at the Cross hovering over our prayer. Look
at Jesus.
On the Cross we see the mystery of God’s wisdom,
not ours.
On the Cross, Jesus carried on his innocent
in his vulnerable body, in his pure heart
he carried all the sin, all the damned
foolishness, of humankind,
including yours and mine.
In his suffering:
we are forgiven, redeemed and restored to peace
with God.
Whatever my three questions stirred in our souls,
whatever imprudence, foolishness or sin,
no matter how great or how small,
the mystery of God’s wisdom waits for us on the
ready to pardon, forgive and redeem us.
In the shadow of Jesus’ Cross we are gathered at
his Table.
Scripture tells us:
Wisdom has
built herself a house and has set her table.
She calls
from the heights of the city:
Let all who
are foolish come to my house!
To those who
have no sense she says,
“Come, eat my food and drink my wine.
Leave behind
your foolish ways and you will live;
come walk in
the way of insight.”
Let’s go, then, to the Lord’s Table - and feast!
Feast on the prudence and wisdom he gives us,
in the mystery of the food of the Eucharist
in his Body and Blood,
given once for us, first for us in the mystery of
the Cross
and shared with us now at this Wisdom table.
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