So often, Lord,
I let worries and fears build walls
that keep me from your grace, your strength,
your desire to help me
to do the next right thing,
speak the next right word
and make the next right move...
Too often, Lord,
I isolate my spirit and I fail,
so slow am I to welcome
all the help, the lift, the gifts you offer
when I'm trapped and lost in worry,
when I doubt my self in fear
and distrust my will to do what I must do...
All too often, Lord,
I find a way, a reason to excuse myself
from my responsibility,
to seize the opportunity
to do the next right thing,
speak the next right word
and make the next right move...
Way too often, Lord, I'm too easily satisfied
when worry weakens my resolve,
when old fears frustrate the best of my plans,
when doubt disarms my will to speak...
So, break through, Lord, I pray:
break through my fear with your sure grace,
break through my worry with your sweet peace,
break through my doubts and strengthen me
to do the next right thing,
speak the next right word
and make the next right move...
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