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Homily for the 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time
Scriptures for today's Mass
We’re only two weeks a way from New Year’s -
on the church calendar -
where the new liturgical year will begin on
December 2
with the First Sunday of Advent.
At the end of every November, as the old year of
grace winds down,
the scriptures turn apocalyptic, speaking, as you
just heard,
of a time “unsurpassed in distress”
a time of great “tribulation,” the “darkening of
the sun and moon”
and the “stars falling from the skies.”
In other words: the end of the world as we know
No one knows when this will happen
but the Word of God calls us to prepare for it
as if it were going to happen tomorrow.
As the year of grace 2018 is about to pass away
into history then,
the church reminds us that at some point
the whole of creation will pass away and be
and Christ will come again in glory.
In every age there are those who believe they see
signs of the end time.
In our own day there are more than enough natural
shaking, flooding and scorching the earth;
a surplus of hatred, rancor and division in public
and nearly daily news of mass shootings
to make us wonder if the end is in sight, if our time is up.
Add to all that the man-made troubles
shaking the Catholic Church to its core,
and the resulting anger, disappointment, shame and
engendered by the failure of so many to protect
the innocent and vulnerable -
and you have a mix that only deepens a crisis of
in the hearts and souls of many believers.
The events at this past week’s annual November
of our nation’s Catholic bishops were
surprising, disappointing, bewildering and
The Vatican’s unexpected intervention, asking our
to postpone voting on the very proposals before
that offered some much needed hope,
was, for some, the straw that broke the camel’s
As dispirited as I was by what did and didn’t take
place at the meeting,
it wasn’t the last straw for me
and I hope I might rightly conclude from your
presence here today
that it wasn’t the end of the story for you
Or, perhaps you’re here but find yourself on the
brink of leaving.
Let me share with you what gets me through all of
Many of you have said to me,
Fleming, I’m so troubled by what’s going on in our church
- but it must be even worse for you.”
I wouldn’t know how to begin to discern who’s
having a harder time here:
the people of the church or her pastors.
Actually, I think our anger and pain is in most
ways more equal than not -
although we might feel and experience it in
different ways,
each of us according to our state in life.
What helps me through all of this
is precisely what we find in today’s scriptures.
Even if this is, indeed, a time “unsurpassed in
when the heavens and earth and the church are
shaken to their core,
my hope is not in the church as an institution or
nor is my hope in popes and cardinals or bishops
and priests.
Rather, my hope, my trust and my faith are in
whose body the Church is
and whose ministry is entrusted to weak men,
- and sometimes to the weakest of men.
Why this is so, I don’t know.
Why Jesus chose the 12 apostles he did boggles my
especially when I consider that in his hour of
greatest need:
one of Jesus’ closest friends betrayed him;
of them could stay awake for an hour to pray with him;
one denied ever having known or associated with
and all of them fled when the authorities came to arrest him.
Of the 12, only one, John, stood at the foot of
the Cross of Jesus
when he was crucified.
The others went into hiding, fearing they might
meet the same end.
Of course the history of the church is replete
with stories
of thousands of men and women who were, in
troubled times,
of far greater and much deeper faith
than were the apostles at the time of Jesus’
suffering and death.
I don’t offer the failure of the apostles as any
kind of excuse
for the ways in which a bishop or priest or any of us fails
in fidelity to Jesus,
but rather to show how the power of Jesus, the
grace of Jesus,
the love of Jesus, the mercy of Jesus, the
presence of Jesus
never, can never, will never, ought never be overshadowed
by the sins and failures of those sent to preach
and live the gospel.
And I haven’t given up on our bishops, either.
The apostles are prototypes for our bishops
and of that cowardly original band, 10 ended their
lives as martyrs.
ultimately laying down their lives for Jesus
whom they had betrayed, denied, fled and
Only faithful John died a natural death of old age
and Judas died by his own hand.
This weekend’s scriptures make it clear
that the distress and disasters of the end time
are a troubled prelude to the coming of Christ in
No, I’m not saying, suggesting or even hinting
that the end of the world is at hand.
I’m simply pointing to the truth that nothing
(no distress, no disaster, no calamity, no sin, no
failure, no infidelity)
and no one
(no pope, cardinal, bishop, priest or deacon)
should or can keep us from the power and presence
of Jesus.
The Church as we know it exists for one end and this
end only:
to announce the gospel, the good news of Jesus;
to be the source of Christ’s saving blessing and
grace for all;
and to be the Body of Jesus in the world today.
The Church is the Mystical Body of Christ among us
and we, you and I, are its members.
When others fail in fidelity
we need to ask God to give us Jesus.
When we ourselves are unfaithful to what we’ve
been called to be,
we need to ask God to give us Jesus.
When Church structures fail to provide integrity
and justice
we need to ask God to give us Jesus.
When we are tempted to leave the Church, our
community of faith,
we need to ask God to give us Jesus.
When we are on the brink of giving up hope,
we need to ask God to give us Jesus.
We need to ask God to give us Jesus
from whom nothing and no one has power
to wrest our hearts and souls.
When our own faith tires and grows weak, O God -
give us Jesus…
(My homily ends with a song
which you can hear on the audio link above)
In the
morning when I rise…
Give me
Jesus, give me Jesus!
You may have
all this world, but give me Jesus.
Oh, and when
I am alone…
Give me
Jesus, give me Jesus!
You may have
all this world, but give me Jesus.
Oh, and when
I come to die…
Give me
Jesus, give me Jesus!
You may have
all this world, but give me Jesus

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