
Pause for Prayer: TUESDAY 4/30

Three times, Lord!
In Sunday's gospel you greeted us not once,
not twice, but three times with the words,
Peace be with you!

These are words I need and love to hear, Lord,
and especially when they come from your lips,
intended for my ears and my heart...

Peace be with you!

I pray for your peace in the world, Lord:
a world plagued by terrorism and violence;
a world at war over hatred, bigotry and greed;
a world torn by strife and dissension;
a world so much in need of you, Lord,
so much in need of your peace...

And I need your peace, Lord...

I need your peace
to nudge me out of yesterday,
help me through today
and point me towards tomorrow...

I need your peace in my relationships, Lord,
in my family, in my neighborhood,
in my parish, at my school,
where I work and where I play:
I need your peace to mend and reconcile
what comes between me and my family,
friends, neighbors and colleagues...

I need your peace, Lord,
to calm my anxious fears,
to steady my unsure steps,
to settle my mind's confusion
and to heal my aching heart...

I need your peace, Lord,
to forgive my sins and failings,
to redirect my wayward path,
to ease my guilt and shame...

I need your peace, Lord:
enough to share with those in need,
with those who turn to me for help
when what they truly seek
is the peace that's only yours to give...



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