
Pause for Prayer: THURSDAY 9/26

After all these years, Lord,
I believe I'm finally learning a lesson
in trust and patience...

Patience and trust, trust and patience:
which comes first?

Well, apart from trust in you, Lord,
patience would be impossible
because patience means hanging in there
when hanging in there makes no sense at all but -
if I truly put my trust in you then I will find
the strength, the courage, the wisdom,
the time, the guts and the desire to be be patient
with the incomplete, the yet-to-be,
the open wound and the longing ache
of all things confounding, draining, mysterious,
maddening, bewildering and just plain crazy...

And apart from patience, Lord, I'd find 
no room in my soul, no place in my mind,
no chamber in my heart, no depth in my thoughts,
no dimension of my imagination, no time in my day
allowing me to trust
in your presence, your mercy, your love, your promise
and your abiding and patient desire
for my well-being,
my peace of mind and heart,
my integrity
and my reconciling the limits and mysteries of my life
and all its sorrows and joys...

Patience and trust, trust and patience:
which comes first?

They come together, Lord:
each born of the other,
each nourishing the other,
each sustaining the other,
each depending on the other to draw me
ever deeper in my faith to you,
ever stronger in my hope in you,
every closer to your love for me...

Keep me trusting in my patience, Lord,
and patient in my trusting
that you will not forget me,
that you're ever by my side...



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