Making my way and finding my place...
That's what I tell folks, Lord,
when they ask me how I'm doing
in my new assignment...
Making my way and finding my place...
And that's just what I'm trying to do, Lord
- which is actually a pretty good description
of what we're all called to do, all of the time:
to make our way and find our place
in your world, in your love,
in the hearts of those around us...
So, I'm really still doing, Lord,
what's been the work of my life:
making my way through the new and unknown,
from the awkward to the familiar;
making my way through slipups and missteps,
from stumbling along to hitting my stride;
making my way through trial and error,
from guarded uncertainty to strength of confidence...
Making my way, Lord, and finding my place...
Finding my place in the new world around me:
new faces, new names and new ways...
Finding my place in your will, in your plan
unfolding with wisdom to lead and guide me...
Finding my place in your heart of hearts,
revealed in the lives of the people I serve...
So, be with me, Lord:
help me make my way til I find my place,
til my restless heart's at home with you,
my way, my truth and my life...

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