On the evening of that first day of the week, Lord,
on that first Easter night,
you came to your friends who were huddled in fear,
gathered in dread behind closed doors
your friends who had fled and abandoned you
- and your first word to them was Peace!
I need your peace tonight, Lord,
when worry and fear
are ready to close the door of my heart
to the joy of this Easter day...
I need your peace tonight, Lord,
when worry and fear
are reaching to rob me
of what my faith assures me...
I need your peace tonight, Lord,
when worry and fear
weary my hope
and leave me awake and restless...
I need your peace tonight, Lord,
to calm my troubled thoughts,
to strengthen my trust in you,
to assure me one more time
that all shall be well, that all shall be well,
that in you and your love,
all manner of things shall be well...
I pray for the gift of deep peace, Lord,
peace deep in my soul;
I pray for the gift of deep sleep
to restore and prepare me for tomorrow;
and I pray for the gift of rest and refreshment
for those who spend their nights and days
caring for the sick, the dying and all those in need...
For deep peace and deep sleep I pray,
on this evening of the first day of the week,
the day you rose from the dead:
hear me, Lord, and in your gentle kindness,
answer me...

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