Sometimes I just can't get to sleep, Lord:
my mind races
with thoughts of those I care for;
my heart is filled
with ache for those I love;
my soul is restless
with worry about tomorrow...
Help me find good rest tonight, Lord,
and while I sleep:
watch over all the weary, the ailing and the dying;
comfort all who suffer and all who tend their needs;
guard all your little ones and those who've now grown old;
bid your saints and angels watch over us this night...
Tend us in your loving care, Lord,
and let us sleep in peace
to rise refreshed tomorrow,
for all the new day brings...
Watch, O Lord by Marty Haugen
Watch , O Lord, with all
those awake this night
Watch, O Lord, with all those who weep;
Watch, O Lord, with all those who weep;
Give your angels and saints
charge over all who sleep
Tend your ailing ones in your love, Lord
Rest your weary ones in your
love, Lord
Bless your dying ones in your love,
O Lord of all.
Soothe your suffering ones in your love, Lord
Heal afflicted ones in your
love, Lord
Shield your joyous ones in
your love, O Lord of all.
Hold your grieving ones in your love, Lord
Raise your fallen ones in your
love, Lord
Mend your broken ones in your
love, O Lord of all.
Guard your little ones in your love, Lord
Guide your searching ones in
your love, Lord
Grant us all your peace in
your love, O Lord of all.

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