
NIGHT PRAYER: Thursday 4/23

I'm not a worrier, Lord - never really have been.

That doesn't mean I don't care about things,
    doesn't mean I don't have concerns
    doesn't mean that some things don't weigh heavy on my heart:
I just don't worry about those things...

I don't fret about my cares and concerns,
I don't lay awake at night ruminating,
    rehearsing all the troubles of the day
    and distressing over what might come tomorrow...

I try to take things as they are, Lord,
    accepting life on life's terms as my beginning place
 and moving on from there, to find you
    and your hand and your help,
          in whatever life is showing me...

I'm grateful for all this, Lord:
    I consider it a blessing and a gift!
But I know a lot of worriers
and tonight I want to pray for all the folks I know
    whose thoughts are burdened by misgiving and mistrust,
    whose hope is hobbled by apprehension and unease,
    whose serenity is overwhelmed by loss and grief,
    whose hearts are heavy with distress, dismay and doubt,
    whose sleep is stolen by restlessness and - worry...
Send an angel, Lord (or two or three or more!)
to ease this night's foreboding, 
the uncertainty of those who lie awake
    mourning what's now history,
    chewing on the day's bad news
    or fearful of tomorrow...

Lift their spirits, Lord:
    refresh their hope and trust in you;
    lighten the load that burdens them;
    free their hearts to meet you
        and find your hand, your help
            in whatever life may bring them...

And show me, Lord,
how I might share with others
the acceptance and the grace I've found
to trust with all my soul that,

    Worrying is like sitting in a rocking chair:
        it gives you something to do
        but it doesn't get you anywhere...

    Worrying doesn't take away
        tomorrow's troubles,
    but it does take away
        today's peace...

    Most of the things you worry about
        never end up happening...

    Worrying is using your imagination
        to create something you don't really want...

    You can't change yesterday
        but you can ruin today
            by worrying about tomorrow...

        will never change
            the outcome...

And that you said it best of all, Lord:

    Don't worry about your life!
    Which of you by worrying 
        can add a single hour to your life's span?
    If even something small is beyond your power,
        why do you worry about the rest?  
    Oh you of little faith! Stop worrying!

Send an angel, Lord (or two or three or more!)
    to free us from our worry
        and grant us all a good night's sleep...

Protect us, Lord, as we stay awake
    and watch over us as we sleep
that awake, we may keep watch with you
    and asleep, rest in your peace...


Deep Peace by John Rutter, performed by Aled Jones
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