At the end of each day, Lord,
I sometimes wonder:
"Am I doing the pandemic right?"
A strange question - I know!
But here's what I mean:
- am I spending all my time in the right way?
- am I praying as much as I should?
- am I reaching out and helping others,
beginning right here at home?
- am I thinking about all this as I ought to?
- is there something I should do
that I'm not doing?
something I shouldn't do
that I am doing?
Well, I'm trying, Lord:
trying to use my time wisely;
praying more often than I usually do;
helping others as opportunities arise;
doing and speaking as I think you'd want me to...
But I guess I just keep wondering:
Is this enough?
Is it the right stuff?
Am I doing all this in the right way?
Is there something else you're asking of me?
Well, I don't know the answers to my questions, Lord,
so I'll keep on trying
to be and become the person you made me to be
to do what you ask the best I know how
and to ask for your help along the way...
So here's my prayer tonight:
Take me as I am, Lord,
(I am who I am)
summon out what I shall be,
(Never stop calling me to grow)
set your seal upon my heart
(Touch my life with your grace)
and live in me...
(As I strive to live in you)
Take Me As I Am (a new arrangement)

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