So many good questions
- but no easy answers...
Our goals become clearer
- but how do we reach them?
We want things to change
- but where do we start?
Our hope is expectant
- have we courage to match?
Our dreams are far-reaching
- will our arms stretch that far?
This must be the time, Lord
- might it be our last chance?
Do you hear our questions?
Do you know our purpose?
Do you share our hopes and our dreams?
This is the time, Lord,
this is your day!
Give us courage and strength
to love what is good, to do what is just
to walk hand in hand, to walk by your side
to follow wherever you lead...
Protect us this night as we stay awake
and watch over us when we fall asleep
that awake, we might keep watch with you
and asleep, rest in your peace...
Do you hear our questions?
Do you hear our prayers?
Do you hear the cries of your people, O God?
Do You Hear the Cries, O God? by Francis P. O'Brien
Do you hear the
cries, O God,
your people lift
in prayer,
the young, the
old, the weak, the strong,
those given to
All people sing
the same refrain:
when will the
conflict cease?
when will we
learn to live as one?
when will we
know your peace?
Miserere nobis…
(Show us your mercy!)
Shades of
terrors linger
in each heart
and soul and eye,
how long before
your justice comes
that no one else
will die
How long before
you right the wrongs
of power used
for gain?
How long before
you come again
before your
peace shall reign?
Miserere nobis…
(Show us your mercy!)
You’ve given us the earth and sky
You’ve given us the earth and sky
the rivers,
desert sands,
yet greed and
selfish deeds offend
all peoples in
all lands.
Give us, O God,
the courage,
the wisdom and
the grace,
to bring your
peace to heal this world
before it’s just
too late.
Miserere nobis…
(Show us your mercy!)

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