Today in Houston, Lord, we bid farewell
to the man whose last gasp breathed life
into a nation's soul, its people and a movement...
We offered a prayerful goodbye to George Floyd...
You formed us, Lord, out of the dust of the earth
and blew into our nostrils the breath of your life
- and we became a living being:
life is yours to give, Lord,
and life is yours, only yours,
to take away...
And so we pray that in your mercy
you forgive George his sins and welcome him
to the place you had prepared for him
in your Father's house where there are, indeed,
many, many rooms...
While we still draw breath, Lord,
while we continue to lean on your mercy,
while we do the work of reverencing life
in all its shapes and forms,
- let us not forget those 9 minutes in the street
when our brother cried out, "I can't breathe!"
Breathe in us, Lord, the breath of your Spirit:
encourage and empower us,
to work for justice for all,
for every sister and brother sharing the air we breathe,
living in hope of living together in peace...
Help us breathe, Lord,
help us help others to breathe,
help us all to breathe in
your Spirit, your mercy,
your mission and your love...
Protect us, Lord, while we're awake
and watch over us as we sleep
that awake, we may keep watch with you
and asleep, rest in your peace...
Tonight's song is a jazz piece, "I Can't Breathe." It was written
in 2014 after Erik Garner was choked to death on the street, in
police custody, after crying out 11 times, "I can't breathe!"
(Those who don't learn from history are condemned to repeat it.)
This piece is worth its time: especially as it fades and ends...)
I Can't Breathe by Godwin Louis

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