I was in church yesterday morning, Lord,
speaking with several people
- and we were all masked...
It struck me how muffled we all sounded:
how just a layer or two of thin cloth
could muffle our speech so effectively...
I reflected on that for the rest of the day:
how easily and in how many ways
our voices are muffed, muzzled and muted...
How racism muffles people of color...Some masks keep us healthy, Lord,
How injustice stifles the cry of the poor...
How power muzzles our progress towards peace...
How prejudice distorts the words on our lips...
How doubt mutes our search for the truth...
How selfishness smothers the generous spirit...
How fear silences our hearts' convictions...
while others only muffle the words we need to speak,
muzzle the Spirit moving within us
and mute our voices, raising the cry
for justice, equality and peace...
Unmask our doubts and our fears, Lord:
open our voices, full-throated,
to cry out for others what needs to be said,
and to speak with conviction
what we know in our hearts to be true...

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