
NIGHT PRAYER: Friday 11/27

The end of a year of grace is at hand, Lord:
    at sundown tomorrow, Advent begins...
Ready me now for a new beginning, a fresh opportunity
to do what is just, to love what is good 
and to walk humbly at your side...
Prepare me, Lord, for one more chance
to live my life a day at a time,
trying always to do the next right thing... 
Level whatever stands in the way
of my loving my  God with mind, heart and soul
and loving my neighbor as I love myself...

Clear me a path to walk by your light,
by your word, by your truth and your grace:
keep faithful my every step...

Goodbye to the past, Lord, to 2020!
Forgive me my sins and refresh my resolve
to be and become the person 
you created and call me to be
in the new year of grace just ahead...
Protect me tonight while I like awake, Lord
and watch over me as I sleep
that awake I night keep watch with you
and asleep, rest in your peace...
Baylor University Hymn for Class of 2024


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