Image: George Mendoza
Good morning, good God!
You ask me to rejoice, Lord - in good times and in bad.
You ask me to pray - all the time.
You ask me to be grateful - no matter what.
You ask a lot, Lord, so, in turn,
I'll try to offer a lot this Monday morning...
I'll try to offer a lot this Monday morning...
I offer you my desire
to rejoice even when times are tough...
I desire a joy greater than any loss I've known,
deeper than all my wounds
and stronger than all my fears...
deeper than all my wounds
and stronger than all my fears...
I ask you to stir up within me:
the joy that's yours to give;
the joy that only you can give;
the joy that can't be quelled by fear;
the joy whose source runs deeper
than even my deepest grief...
Give me a joy that survives
my moods, my feelings,
my ego and my thin skin...
I pray for a joy that lasts,
endures, suffers through
and comes out on the other side
whole, true and intact...
When my heart is dry and my soul cloudy,
plant within me, Lord, seeds of joy
to blossom in seasons when my happiness
depends upon you alone...
I offer you my desire, Lord,
to know, to sense, to respond
to every nudge of your Spirit
prompting me to pray...
When I'm too tired or too busy,
when I'm angry or disappointed,
when I'm forgetful or self-centered,
just plain foolish or too lazy to pray
- send your Spirit to wake me up,
to turn my heart around,
to give me the wisdom to turn to you in prayer...
Open my eyes, Lord, to all the blessings
I've received from your hand,
all reasons to be joyful:
the blessing of life and the blessing of freedom;
the blessings of a place to live, water to drink,
food to eat and friends to love;
the blessings of your mercy, your grace,
and even yourself in word and sacrament
when we gather to give you thanks and praise...
Free me of envy, Lord,
and jealousy of others:
make me grateful for what I have
and help me find my joy
than even my deepest grief...
Give me a joy that survives
my moods, my feelings,
my ego and my thin skin...
I pray for a joy that lasts,
endures, suffers through
and comes out on the other side
whole, true and intact...
When my heart is dry and my soul cloudy,
plant within me, Lord, seeds of joy
to blossom in seasons when my happiness
depends upon you alone...
I offer you my desire, Lord,
to know, to sense, to respond
to every nudge of your Spirit
prompting me to pray...
When I'm too tired or too busy,
when I'm angry or disappointed,
when I'm forgetful or self-centered,
just plain foolish or too lazy to pray
- send your Spirit to wake me up,
to turn my heart around,
to give me the wisdom to turn to you in prayer...
Open my eyes, Lord, to all the blessings
I've received from your hand,
all reasons to be joyful:
the blessing of life and the blessing of freedom;
the blessings of a place to live, water to drink,
food to eat and friends to love;
the blessings of your mercy, your grace,
and even yourself in word and sacrament
when we gather to give you thanks and praise...
Free me of envy, Lord,
and jealousy of others:
make me grateful for what I have
and help me find my joy
in all that is already mine...
I offer you my desire, Lord,
to rejoice always,
to pray without ceasing
and to give thanks in all circumstances...
Remind me of all the joy you've given me, Lord:
help me hold those memories in prayer,
and make my heart grateful
for all you've given and all you promise...
Hear my prayer this Monday Advent morning, Lord,
today and through the week ahead...
I offer you my desire, Lord,
to rejoice always,
to pray without ceasing
and to give thanks in all circumstances...
Remind me of all the joy you've given me, Lord:
help me hold those memories in prayer,
and make my heart grateful
for all you've given and all you promise...
Hear my prayer this Monday Advent morning, Lord,
today and through the week ahead...

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