
NIGHT PRAYER: Tuesday 12/8

Do you know what happened 150 years ago today? On December 8, 1870 Pope Pius IX declared Saint Joseph to be the patron saint of the universal Church. A century and a half later, Pope Francis has called for a yearlong celebration dedicated to Saint Joseph, the foster father of Jesus. The pope's announcement came in an apostolic letter (a formal letter from the pope to the whole Church) which begins with the words: With a father's heart: that is how Joseph loved Jesus, whom all four Gospels refer to as “the son of Joseph. The timing here is perfect - just before Christmas, a story in which Joseph plays a significant if hidden role.
Did you know Saint Joseph was a dreamer? Joseph doesn't utter a word in the gospels - we learn about him through his four dreams concerning the birth of Jesus. In the first he learns about the divine nature of Mary’s pregnancy and is told ‘not to be afraid’ but to take her as his wife. In the second, he's warned to leave Bethlehem and flee to Egypt. While in Egypt, he has a third dream revealing that it is now safe for him and his family to return to Israel. In the fourth dream, he's warned again of danger and takes the Holy Family to Galilee instead of back to Judea. 
So, tonight we pray in the spirit of this dreamer, in this Advent season, just before Christmas, as Francis inaugurates a year dedicated to Joseph who loved Jesus with a father's heart...
Like Joseph, we all face times, Lord,
when you allow things to happen
or allow things to fail to happen,
that critically touch and shape us,
turning our lives around,
often in ways we never dreamed would happen,
in ways we hoped would never happen…

And in all of this your word to us
is precisely the angel’s word to Joseph in his dream: 
“Be not afraid!" 
because in everything, in all things,
God is with you...

Was Joseph ready for this, Lord?
Was he any more or any less ready 
than we are?

Are we ready to renew our faith, our trust
in all the ways your presence
weaves itself into our lives:
touching and shaping and turning our lives around
in ways we may have never imagined 
- or wanted.

And most of all, Lord, are we ready
to trust that you're with us
in everything
and in all things...

Tonight, Lord, we remember Joseph's doubts, 
his anticipation, his confusion, his regrets, his fears,
his concern for Mary,
and his wonder and his awe...

We remember him placing his troubles in your hands
putting his fears aside and trusting in you...

We remember Joseph's dreams
and tonight, each of us prays with him...
I come this night, Lord, 
with a heart sometimes ready, sometimes not so ready,
to love you, trust you and follow you...

My problems, my worries and my burdens
often loom larger than life
and back me into corners where I feel alone,
wondering where you've brought me,
where you'll lead me
- even if you're still with me...

My heart needs a dream, an angel, a message
reminding me to be not afraid...

All day long and even in my sleep, Lord,
remind me as you reminded Joseph
that with you I can face all things,
do all things, endure all things,
accept all things...

Especially when my life and my heart
are spun around and turned upside down;
when my sense of direction fails me;
when I fear the path on which I walk:
remind me then, Lord, not to be afraid
and to trust that with you at my side
I can be ready
for whatever comes my way...

I pray tonight with a heart
sometimes ready and sometimes not so ready:
but ready or not, Lord
- here I come!

Ready or not, Lord
- here I am
and here I stand
in need of your love and your strength...

Be with me, Lord,
be with me, St. Joseph,
in everything and in all things


 Joseph's Song by Michael Card


How could it be
This baby in my arms
Sleeping now, so peacefully
The Son of God, the angel said
How could it be?

Lord, I know He's not my own
Not of my flesh, not of my bone
Still Father let this baby be
The son of my love

Father show me where I fit
Into this plan of yours
How can a man be father
To the Son of God
Lord, for all my life
I've been a simple carpenter
How can I raise a king?
How can I raise a king?

He looks so small
His face and hands so fair
And when He cries
The sun just seems to disappear
And when He laughs it shines again
How could it be?

Father show me where I fit
Into this plan of yours
How can a man be father
To the Son of God
Lord, for all my life
I've been a simple carpenter
How can I raise a king?
How can I raise a king?

How could it be
This baby in my arms
Sleeping now, so peacefully
The Son of God, the angel said
How could it be?
How could it be?


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