
Pause for Prayer: FRIDAY 12/11

My favorite verse in the song, O Come, O Come, Emmanuel:
Oh, come, Desire of nations, bind
In one the hearts of humankind;
Bid all our sad divisions cease,
And be for us the King of Peace...

Let's pray...

You reign over all the nations, Lord:
lift our eyes from our self-destructive paths
to see as you do that there's one world,
one human family, one life given to each of us,
each deserving of reverence and respect,
of care and compassion,
because each and every life's a gift from your hand...

Come and wrap my life in the reign of your love:
come and rule over my thoughts and desires,
rule over my dreams and schemes;
rule over my envy and jealousy,
my angry grudges and resentments;
come rule my heart
with your word, your truth,
your wisdom and your justice...

Let your rule be the measure

of my compassion,

my generosity,

my pardoning of others,

my mercy and my gentleness…

With princely power, Lord,
mend and make peaceful
all our sad divisions:
first in my family,

then in my neighborhood,

in my parish,
at school,

at work,

between the many races and creds,

in my nation,

and among the peoples of the world…


And, Lord, 

mend all the sad divisions 

I know within myself...


As a newborn child brings peace to a family,
bring joy and peace to these Advent days,
as we prepare to celebrate your birth...

Be born anew among us, Lord,
and be for us the King of peace,
the peace that only you can bring
the peace that only you can give...


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