Today, January 1, completes the octave or eight-day celebration of the feast of Christmas. The octave of Christmas is also the feast of the Mary, Mother of God so our prayer tonight brings us to Mary, Mother of Jesus and Mother of us all in Christ...
Lord Jesus,
from the moment she conceived you in her womb,
Mary of Nazareth held you in her heart
long before she held you in her arms
and nursed you at her breast...
Through the mysteries of your life among us,
joyful, glorious and sorrowful,
she was ever faithful to you, Lord,
to your word and to your gospel...
In the same way, Lord,
your Mother carries each of us,
your sisters and brothers,
in her heart, close to her breast,
in her loving arms...
We pray for her protection, Lord,
in the moments and mysteries of our own lives,
joyful, glorious and sorrowful,
and in the new year we begin today...
Mary is filled with your grace, Lord:
blessed among all women,
blessed in you,
the fruit of her womb...
We ask her to pray for us sinners, Lord,
through the year that lies ahead
and when we come to the hour of our death...
Let your Mother's mantle cover us
as we lie awake tonight, Lord,
and her love gently cradle us when we fall asleep
that awake, we may keep watch with you
and asleep, rest in your peace...
Ave Maria by Gregory Norbet
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Ave Maria, gratia plena
O holy Mary, full of grace
Dominus tecum
O holy Mary, full of grace
Dominus tecum
with you the Holy One,
such is your gift to know God in your heart.
such is your gift to know God in your heart.
blest among women
the child that you bore,
Jesus the saviour, God's love incarnate
Jesus the saviour, God's love incarnate
deep woman of faith.
Ave Maria, Ave, Ave Maria
Sancta Maria
Ave Maria, Ave, Ave Maria
Sancta Maria
Holy Mary
Mater Dei
Mater Dei
Mother of God
Ora pro nobis
Ora pro nobis
pray for our faithfulness
All through the seasons of life
All through the seasons of life
with hope and with love
Ora pro nobis
Ora pro nobis
pray for our faithfulness
all through the seasons of life
all through the seasons of life
with hope and with love.
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