
Pause for Prayer: Tuesday 2/23

I'm grateful, indeed, Lord, for the vaccine!
Praise God from whom all blessings flow!
But I wish we had a vaccine for "spiritual Covid,"
for the social and spiritual malaise 
afflicting almost everyone I know,
in greater and lesser degrees of severity
and with many different symptoms including:
    acute loneliness
    low prayer pressure
    spiritual fatigue
    dislocated relationships
    spiritual depression
    infectious isolation
    internal confusion
    bacterial boredom
    stress fractures in faith
    paralyzed prayer life
    debilitating  doubt 
    contagious discouragement
    anemic belief
    communicable moodiness
    and holy heartache...

All Covid's side-effects, Lord -
and there's no medicine to give them chase
except - a prescription of your grace:
    a shot in our souls, not our arms,
    to mend and heal the damage done
    to our hearts, our prayer, our faith
    in these long pandemic months...

So, I pray, Lord, 
for the spiritual health and well-being
of all who suffer in Covid's shadow...
I pray for all who find it hard these days
to find you in their hearts,
in their thoughts and in their prayers...
I pray for all who find it hard to pray,
to meet you in their heart of hearts where,
I know, Lord, you wait with patient love 
to comfort them...

I pray for those who feel abandoned
to the loneliness of quarantine and isolation,
and all that masks our friendly smiles,
and keeps us far from hugs and warm embraces... 

I pray you'll take the first step, Lord,
to break through anything and everything
that keeps us from you, from prayer,
from finding you present at our side...

And help us, Lord, to help each other,
as much as we can, whenever we can:
    to rise and breathe again;
    to find, anew, our footing 
        in this world and in each other's lives;
    to refresh our faith and trust in you;
    to come home to you and your embrace,
        to your compassion and your love... 

I'm very grateful for the vaccine, Lord,
but now I wait for your divine medicine:
    your anointing of our hearts and souls
    to help us help each other mend and heal
    and find ourselves together, once again, 
        one in you, united in your grace...



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