
NIGHT PRAYER: Wednesday 4/7

We mark the ebb and flow of time each day, Lord:
sunrise to sunset;
the spreading glow of dawn to evening's fading light;
morning, noon and night;
yesterday, today and tomorrow;
hours into days, days into weeks,
weeks into months, months into years, 
years into decades, and decades into lifetimes;
the past, the present, and all that's yet to be...

But for you, Lord, all is in the moment:
you've always been and always will be God
and so for you all time is one eternal now
with no regret for what's gone by
and with no fear of what will be...
In your divine, eternal love,
your unending grace and mercy,
your abiding, ageless mystery
you enter our history,
you give us your attention,
take notice of our finite cares,
give ear to each and every prayer,
catch us up in your embrace
and draw us in to share the timeless peace
that's only yours to give...

And so it is at this day's end,
before tomorrow dawns,
we come before you, heart in hand,
and pray you hold us through the night
in your everlasting goodness...
Keep us 'til a new day comes 
and offers us, again, Lord,
the gracious gift of knowing,
the boundless joy of sharing
in the life of God who is, who was
and evermore shall be...

Protect us, Lord, while we're awake
and watch over us as we sleep
that awake, we might keep watch with you
and asleep, rest in your peace...
In Your Time by Diane Ball



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