
NIGHT PRAYER: Sunday 5/16

(On Sundays, Night Prayer takes its inspiration from
an element of the day's mass. Tonight we'll pray with
Bob Hurd's beautiful Ubi Caritas)

It's your love, Lord,
and nothing but your love,
that calls us together to be your people,
your own, your beloved, your chosen,
your Church
and all you ask in return
is that we love one another
as you have loved us:
fully, freely and with forgiveness... 
With the power of your Spirit, Lord,
you bind us together as one,
in a communion of love
to heal our sad divisions...
You send us out to serve,
strengthened by your word and grace,
you send us as a sign, 
as instruments of mercy 
to the oppressed, to those in need
to those who long for justice...
We are your Church, Lord,
a rag tag, motley crew 
of seekers, saints and sinners,
making our way, day by day,
with the help of your grace
until at last, we'll all be one with you 
in the peace of your glory
and the company of your saints,
of all who've gone before us...
Protect us, Lord, while we're awake
and watch over us while we sleep
that awake, we may keep watch with you
and asleep, rest in your peace...

Ubi Caritas by Bob Hurd

Ubi caritas est vera, est vera:

Deus ibi est, Deus ibi est.*


The love of Christ joins us together. 

Let us rejoice in him,

and in our love and care for all

now love God in return.


In true communion let us gather.

May all divisions cease

 and in their place be Christ the Lord,

our risen Prince of Peace.


May we who gather at this table

to share the Bread of Life

become a sacrament of love,

your healing touch, O Christ.


For those in need make us your mercy,

for those oppressed, your might. 

Make us, your Church, a holy sign

of justice and new life.


May we one day behold your glory

and see you face to face,

rejoicing with the saints of God

to sing eternal praise.

*Where there is true love, there is God.


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