Had a great conversation with an old friend today, Lord,
and while speaking of prayer,
he mentioned he sometimes tells you,
"Any hints would be readily accepted!"
I love that line, Lord!
Any hints would be readily accepted!
I can imagine so many applications of this prayer!
Lord, I'm really confused
and feeling unsure about so many things:
Any hints would be readily accepted!
So much suffering in the world and right around me,
and I just don't understand why, Lord:
Any hints would be joyfully accepted!
Beats me, Lord,
but I'm really not always sure of where I'm going:
Any hints would be gratefully accepted!
And what can I do to break the vicious circle
of prejudice, hatred and mistrust?
Any hints would be heartily accepted!
Got some friends I'd love to help
but I don't know what to say or do, Lord:
Any hints would be enthusiastically accepted!
Would love to grow closer to you, Lord
and know the easiest best ways to do that:
Any hints would be contentedly accepted!
I want to know your mind and plan for me
but my own thoughts cloud my vision:
Any hints would be willingly accepted!
In fact, Lord, at any time of any night or day,
on any day, of any week, in any month, in any year:
Any hints, clues, leads, signs or tip-offs
would be delightedly, cheerfully, graciously,
warmly and readily accepted!
Protect me, Lord, while I'm awake
and watch over me while I sleep
that awake, I might keep watch with you
and asleep, rest in your peace...
Speak to Me by Tommy Walker
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