Then there appeared to them tongues as of fire,
which parted and came to rest on each one of them.
And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit...
These lilies belong to the family Gloriosa
and strike me as nature's bow to Pentecost Sunday.
Today's Pause for Prayer follows the photos.
Today's Pause for Prayer follows the photos.
those tongues of fire,
descending on your friends at Pentecost,
did not singe or scorch or burn
but rather, anointed them
to be faithful to you
and to your gospel...
In the same way, Lord,
infuse me, send your Spirit upon me:
and bless, anoint, charge me
to be faithful to you and to your gospel...
And because I'm weak, Lord,
let your Spirit heal and strengthen me,
and inspire and counsel me,
with the courage and wisdom I need
to be faithful to you and to your gospel...
Come, Holy Spirit
and fill my heart
with the fire of your presence...
Lord, send forth your Spirit
to heal and recreate me
that I might be faithful to you and your gospel...
Send forth your Spirit, Lord,
and you shall renew the face of the earth...

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