We spend a good deal of our time waiting, hoping and praying.
We wait for news and pray it will be good.
We hope for healing and pray it will come soon.
We pray for answers and to understand them when they come.
Here's a prayer for those who wait and hope and pray...
Sometimes it seems you leave us hanging, Lord:
between tomorrow and today,
the known and all that's unknown,
between our fears and all our dreams
but there lies a simple truth
between now and what's to be:
all is in your hands, Lord,
all is in your hands
while our hands fold
and hold in prayer the hope
you're leading us from tears and fears
to peace, O Lord,
the peace for which we long
and if peace be slow in coming
help us fold our hands in yours
and hold your strength as ours
'til your plan for us unfolds and
you hold us in your arms
in that peace
for which we wait and hope and pray...
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