
Pause for Prayer: TUESDAY 8/17

The daily news reminds me, Lord:
how privileged and protected my life is:
I'll always have a street address,
    a place to live and call my home...
I never suffer hunger.    
    My problem?  Too much food...
My geography delivers me 
    from tornadoes, floods and wild fires,
    tsunamis, droughts and earthquakes...
I never give a second thought (or even a first)
    to the color of my skin...
No insurgents hold sway, have evil designs
    on my liberty and freedom...
If I get sick, I'll be well cared for
    and all the bills will be paid...
I'm a white, male, educated American,
ordained to a privileged role:
the  daily news reminds me, Lord,
how privileged and protected my life is
and how easily I take for granted
all my blessings and my gifts...
I need a bigger heart, Lord,
a larger, wider, deeper heart,
a heart for all your people,
a heart that knows their pain...
I need a heart to see beyond
the comforts of my daily life:
the undeserved perks 
of simply being who I am...
Give me a heart for your people, Lord:
for all who suffer
the undeserved pain 
of simply being who they are...

Give me a heart for your people, Lord:
big enough to open wide,
wide enough to welcome all,
deep enough to give and give
from all I have to any0ne
whose needs exceed my own... 
The daily news reminds me, Lord:
how privileged and protected my life is.
Give me a heart for your people, Lord,
a heart like yours that gives of itself
that others might have life...





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